Badge History References
If you have found these hidden pages please be aware that they are a work in progress and are not yet ready for use. Therefore links, etc do not all work yet.
In order to bring this historic information together, I have used a wide range of resources. I would like to thank all of these sources.
Newell, Thelma & Tony (2010), The Consolidated Catalogue and List of UK and British Empire Girl Guide Badges Centennial Issue, Launceston, Tony &Thelma Newell
Leslie (n.d), Leslie's Guiding History [online], Available at (Accessed 2020)
Photographs are all copyright Girlguiding Dursley District.
Newell, Thelma & Tony (2010), The Consolidated Catalogue and List of UK and British Empire Girl Guide Badges Centennial Issue, Launceston, Tony &Thelma Newell
Leslie (n.d), Leslie's Guiding History [online], Available at (Accessed 2020)
Photographs are all copyright Girlguiding Dursley District.